C++ Consumer DSL

This is a shared library (pact-cpp-consumer) that you can link into your test binaries and it provides a DSL for setting up and running a consumer test. It wraps the Pact-Rust pact_mock_server_ffi library, which will need to be linked as well.

Using the DSL

Documentation is here in html. For an example, see consumer_test.cpp.

Setup the expectations

Firstly, you need to instantiate an instance of pact_consumer::Pact in your test. This class takes the name of the consumer and provider as parameters, and can then be used to define the expectations.

For instance:

auto provider = Pact("TodoAppCpp", "TodoServiceCpp");
.given("i have a list of projects")
.uponReceiving("a request for projects")
.withRequest("GET", "/projects")
{ "projects", EachLike(Object({
{ "id", Integer(3) },
{ "name", Like("Project 1") },
{ "due", DateTime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX") },
{ "tasks", AtLeastOneLike(4, Object({
{ "id", Integer() },
{ "name", Matching("Task \\d+", "Task 1") },
{ "done", Like(true) }


For defining JSON bodies, there are a number of matcher functions that can be used with the withJsonBody and withResponseJsonBody methods.

Object(const std::unordered_map<std::string, IMatcher::Ptr> fields)

Represents a JSON object (map of string fields to matchers).

Integer(long value)

Matchers an integer value (must be a number and have no decimal places).

Integer(int value)

Matchers an integer value (must be a number and have no decimal places).


Matchers an integer value (must be a number and have no decimal places). A random example value will be generated.

Like(long value)

Matchers any value based on the value type.

Like(int value)

Matchers any value based on the value type.

Like(double value)

Matchers any value based on the value type.

Like(std::string value)

Matchers any value based on the value type.

Like(const char *value)

Matchers any value based on the value type.

Like(bool value)

Matchers any value based on the value type.

DateTime(std::string format, std::string example)

String value that must match the provided datetime format string. See Java SimpleDateFormat.

DateTime(std::string format)

String value that must match the provided datetime format string. See Java SimpleDateFormat. Example values will be generated using the current system date and time.

Date(std::string format, std::string example)

String value that must match the provided date format string. See Java SimpleDateFormat.

Date(std::string format)

String value that must match the provided date format string. See Java SimpleDateFormat. Example values will be generated using the current system date and time.

Time(std::string format, std::string example)

String value that must match the provided time format string. See Java SimpleDateFormat.

`Time(std::string format);

String value that must match the provided time format string. See Java SimpleDateFormat. Example values will be generated using the current system date and time.

Matching(std::string regex, std::string example)

String value that must match the regular expression.

Matching(std::string regex)

String value that must match the regular expression. Random values will be generated for the examples.

EachLike(const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array of values where each item in the array must match the provided template. Will generate an example array with one value.

EachLike(int examples, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array of values where each item in the array must match the provided template. examples defines how many examples should be generated in the example array.

AtLeastOneLike(const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array of values that must have at least one value and each item in the array must match the provided template. Will generate an example array with one value.

AtLeastOneLike(int examples, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array of values that must have at least one value and each item in the array must match the provided template.examples defines how many examples should be generated in the example array.

HexValue(const std::string example)

Match a hexadecimal string value.


Match a hexadecimal string value. Random example will be generated.

IPAddress(const std::string example)

Match an IP Address.


Match an IP Address. Will use for examples.

Numeric(int example)

Match any numeric value. This will match any numeric type (integer or floating point).

Numeric(long example)

Match any numeric value. This will match any numeric type (integer or floating point).

Numeric(float example)

Match any numeric value. This will match any numeric type (integer or floating point).

Numeric(double example)

Match any numeric value. This will match any numeric type (integer or floating point).


Match any numeric value. Random decimal values will be generated for examples.

Decimal(float example)

Match a decimal value (number with atleast one digit after the decimal point).

Decimal(double example)

Match a decimal value (number with atleast one digit after the decimal point).


Match a decimal value (number with atleast one digit after the decimal point). Random values will be generated.

Uuid(const std::string example)

Match a universally unique identifier (UUID).


Match a universally unique identifier (UUID). Random values will be used for examples.

AtMostLike(int max, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array with maximum size and each element like the template object. Will generate an example array with one value.

AtMostLike(int max, int examples, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array with maximum size and each element like the template object. examples defines how many examples should be generated in the example array.

MinArrayLike(int min, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array with minimum size and each element like the template object. Will generate an example array with one value.

MinArrayLike(int min, int examples, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array with minimum size and each element like the template object. examples defines how many examples should be generated in the example array.

ConstrainedArrayLike(int min, int max, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array with minimum and maximum size and each element like the template object. Will generate an example array with one value.

ConstrainedArrayLike(int min, int max, int examples, const IMatcher::Ptr obj)

Array with minimum and maximum size and each element like the template object. examples defines how many examples should be generated in the example array.

EqualTo(int value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

EqualTo(long value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

EqualTo(float value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

EqualTo(double value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

EqualTo(std::string value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

EqualTo(const char *value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

EqualTo(bool value)

Match by equality. This is mainly used to reset the cascading type matchers.

IncludesStr(std::string value)

Matches if the string value contains the given value.


Matches a JSON null value.

Url(std::string basePath, std::vector<IMatcher::Ptr> pathFragments)

Matches a URL composed of a base path and a list of path fragments. The path fragments can be matched using the either EqualTo or Matching matchers.

for example:

Object({ "url", Url("http://localhost/tasks", { EqualTo("1001"), Matching("\\d+", "200") }) })

This will generate

"url": "http://localhost/tasks/1001/200"

and configure a regex matcher to match .*\/1001\/\d+$

Execute the test

The actual test is then run with the run_test method. This takes a clsoure to execute and will startup a mock server before and the validate the result afterwards.

For example:

auto result = provider.run_test([] (auto mock_server) {
// setup any client code you have. The mock_server parameter has the base address of the mock server started for the test
TodoClient todo;
todo.serverUrl = mock_server->get_url();
std::vector<Project> projects = todo.getProjects();
return true; // return a boolean value here to indicate if all is OK

The run_test method will return a PactTestResult. Your test should check that this value is ok.

Using the Conan package

The library has been released to Bintray as a Conan package. To use it in your project, you need to add https://api.bintray.com/conan/pact-foundation/conan as a remote.

For example:

$ conan remote add pact-foundation https://api.bintray.com/conan/pact-foundation/conan
$ conan search pact_cpp_consumer -r=pact-foundation
Existing package recipes:

You can then use the library by adding pact_cpp_consumer/0.0.1@pact/beta to the dependencies to your project conan file.

Building the library

To build the library, you need to do the following:

  1. Install Python
  2. Install CMake
  3. Install a C++ compiler
  4. Use python/pip to install conan
pip install wheel setuptools
pip install conan
  1. Create a build directory and cd into it
  2. use conan to install all the dependencies
conan remote add bincrafters https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/public-conan
conan remote add pact-foundation https://api.bintray.com/conan/pact-foundation/conan
conan install .. --build missing
  1. use cmake to build the library
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release

On Windows, you may need to set 64 bit architecture.

cmake .. -A x64
cmake --build . --config Release
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